Baptism / Christening


You have recently had a baby and you are thinking of having it baptised (christened)? Congratulations! The birth of a baby is a good reason to think about the mystery of life. Perhaps your children are a little older and you are only now thinking about what faith is all about. Perhaps you are thinking of being baptised yourself and making a commitment to Christ and the Church. Whatever your reason for thinking about Baptism, we are happy to come alongside you as your journey towards baptism.

Getting Baptised
The gift of baptism symbolises so much about what it means to be a Christian, and how much God loves us, demonstrated through the life and death of Jesus Christ. At Baptism people become full members of the Church of Christ.

Following Jesus resurrection in Matthew’s Gospel, he gives his followers The Great Commission – to preach the good news of Jesus and to baptise in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Baptism was so important to Jesus that he himself was baptised by John the Baptist in the River of Jordan, to signify the beginning of his ministry.

Baptism is not about getting the Baby “done”, neither is it some sort of superstitious ritual about getting evil out of the child. Baptism is about new life, a life in Jesus Christ, a life of hope and life of love. The Symbolism of the emerging from water,
reminds us of Jesus’ ability to forgive and heal, and Baptism is seen as the beginning, that journey which will ultimately lead us to eternal life.
This leaflet is designed to help you in thinking about either your Baptism, or that of your children. Please don’t use this just as an excuse for a party – what you are contemplating has eternal consequences.

How Might I Prepare?
This is one of the most important choices you will ever make.
Pray for God’s guidance that Baptism is the right choice. Both you and the Godparents will be publicly saying that you believe in Jesus and will raise your child up as Christians and bring them to Church.

When Can Baptism Take Place?
Baptisms usually take place at St Mary the Virgin SL3 7EN where people have been baptised since the 12 century, but they can also take place at Christ the Worker and St Francis of Assisi

Baptisms take place in the main service at 11am at St Mary’s, but sometime people want a baptism in the afternoon.
Baptisms only take place on a Sunday (unless there are exceptional pastoral circumstances).

How Many Godparents Can I Have?
Godparents are really important. They should be Christian people that you trust; who you know will pray for your child and support you as a parent. Traditionally people have three Godparents, but
is no absolute number.

How Much Does It Cost?
Your child’s Baptism cost Jesus his life. In response to this, Baptism is free, however donations for the ministry of the church would be gratefully received.

Where to find us


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