

St Mary’s Churchyard is closed for burials, except where there is space in an existing plot. Unfortunately no new plots for burials or for the interment of ashes can now be permitted.

General advice regarding monuments in Churchyards including regulations, applications, repairs and maintenance of can be found via the Diocese of Oxford website.



The Garden of Remembrance is available for the burial of ashes located near the main church door. A Book of Remembrance is available inside the church where details of those buried in the Garden of Remembrance can be recorded.

Each burial position is also kept with the Burial Register in church.

These facilities are normally restricted to those resident in the Parish of Langley at the time of their death, or enrolled on the Church Electoral Roll, and/or having some strong connection with the church.

  • Unfortunately no memorial stones or other markers can be placed on the ground.
  • Please inform Funeral Directors that cremated remains must be buried loose and not in any form of casket. They will be familiar with the necessary arrangements and arrange for the collect of ashes from the Crematorium in an appropriate temporary container.
  • Burial records including the name, dates and brief details of cremated remains are buried in the Garden of Remembrance may be inscribed in the Book of Remembrance which is kept in a cabinet in St. Mary Church. This may take a few weeks before these can be carried out.
  • Unfortunately no flowers or other tokens can be left on the site of the burial, apart from one small bouquet, which may remain for no more than 7 days after the burial.
  • For more details of timescales and associated fees please contact the Clergy and Parish Administrator.


Please click here for help with locating graves in the churchyard.


Please click here to download the St Mary’s Churchyard Heritage Trail, which describes features of historical interest.




The Churchyard also has a number of Commonwealth War Graves. Further names, details and locations of personnel who are commemorated can be found via the link to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission for Langley Marish (St. Mary) Churchyard 


The Churchyard is of area of local history, heritage and natural history interest. We are grateful to visitors for respecting this special place. Some regular visitors include Roe Deer.

A new tree, Quercus Palustris also called the Pin Oak has been planted in the churchyard in memory of Queen Elizabeth II.

It was her wish to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee 2022 by having oak trees planted throughout the UK to form The Queen’s Green Canopy.

This is part of Langley’s living legacy for future generations and visitors to the churchyard.



Slough Borough Council is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the grass.

For updates on the grass cutting schedule in the churchyard please contact Slough Borough Council.



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